Another season is over - I'm already
working on next season's scarves!

Although it is early in the year, new shows are in the planning stages - the one we met at is probably going to run again. I'll let you know in August either here OR email me and I'll send it out to you.
Remember that scarves are always available through my website or Facebook or Instagram. And
there are new patterns constantly being added to my Facebook and Instagram pages. Be sure to take a look there too. Just click on the links here or on the Facebook or Instagram logos  on this and other pages.

At the bottom of each selection page is a colour patch menu. Just click on a colour patch and you'll get that page. It's also instituted at the bottom of this page so you can try it out right away!

Chill-Beater Scarves keep out the cold, windy, damp, winter weather.

The warm fleece lined scarves are warm, fashionable and easy to wear. I also make some of the scarves with a 'summer' lightweight lining for wearing with a suit or sweater.

And... the scarves can be pulled up over the nose and mouth when outdoors.
Choose from many different patterns and colours to compliment your style for only $28.00 includes HST plus Canadian Postage!



Sharon Lawrence

p.s. You can me too!


 Copyright 2006-2024 Chill-Beater Scarves

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