Scarf Selection Page

HI! If the scarf you're looking at is Sold Out, don't give up. I have many other colours available. Give me a call at 1-519-756-1672 or email me using the link at the bottom of the home page.

Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram pages for more scarves.

There are so many fabrics to choose from that it is impossible to show them all on the web site. It is also very difficult to classify patterns by colour because so many have multiple colours. Select a colour page by clicking on a link below.
Be sure to look at each of the colour pages. There are links back to the home page at the top of each colour page and a link back to here at the bottom of each colour page.

This is the 2024 Online Collection.

Thank you,

Black, White, Silver
#2300-2308, 2200-03, 2178, 2000-02, 07, 2010, 11-13, 15-16, 1985, 1902, 08, 80, 81, 83

Brown & Taupe
#2310-2319C, 2209-2211, 2213-19, 2110-14, 2021, 23, 24, 26,2028-2029C, 1911

Skulls #23A, 23B, 21A, 2281, 20K, L, P, Q, R, S, T, U

Greens & Blues
#2320-2348, 2220, 21, 25, 2122, 23, 2171, 2040-44, 46, 49A, 1930, 25, 36

2271-72, 2050-53, 55, 57, 58, 59

Red #2350-2355, 2230-31, 35, 2130-33, 72, 2060-64, 68, 69A, 69B, 1951, 53, 55, 57

Wildlife Prints  #23F-23L, 2291-2293, 2180-2181, 84, 85, 87, 2090, 92, 93 Pink, Purple &Burgundy
#2360-2370D, 2240, 2243-44, 2142-44, 46-49A, 2030-33, 35-37, 39, 39A, 1964, 1978
Gold #2070-2077 Black/Sparkle  
2380-2399, 2150-51, 2250-52, 1991-93, 2080-83, 85-88
Checks, Plaids, Music, Christmas #23M-23S, 22B-H, J-L, 2171, 72, 74, 2177-78, 21-25, 29 Ivory Whites #2160-61, 2260, 20B, E, D