Here's what others have to say about Chill-Beater Scarves:
I recently purchased a 'Chill-Beater' scarf after having admired
them for years. It is so comfortable to wear that I even forget I
have it on. Several ladies in the office where I work have admired
it and are interested in purchasing them for themselves and as
Carol Cournoyer
Kitchener, on Canada - Friday, December 09, 2005
I bought two scarves from you on Saturday Oct.
8/05 at the Buckhorn Art and Craft Show. I love them both and so
does everyone else I meet. Thank you so much. C. Scriver, Ptbo.
I bought three of your scarves for gifts at the Stratford show in
November and need more! They're great. D.H.
I purchased a Chill Beater Scarvf at the
Christkindle show in Kitchener,On. I wished, I had bought two at
that time they are very comfortable to wear. D.H.
I recently received a chill-beater scarf and I
want to let you know that I think your creations are beautiful. J.
I'm really pleased with the scarves & know my two friends who will
receive them will be thrilled. I draped the two I bought for myself
over my sweaters & they look better already! It's amazing how much
pizzaz those scarves impart to a plain old sweater. R.L.
Hi Sharon. My two friends who received your
scarves as Christmas gifts contacted me this week to say how much
they loved them! Since both live in warmer climates (Oregon &
Georgia) the lightweight version is perfect. I knew they would like
them as much as I do, but their enthusiasm & effusive thanks was
even more than I expected.
Just wanted to let you know that your
handiwork was very much appreciated. Your design is not only very
functional, but fashionable as well. With your help, I was a very
good Santa this year. R.L.
Thanks Sharon, for not only perking up my wardrobe, but making my
some of my Christmas shopping so easy!
I was having coffee with a friend who had
received one of your scarves for Christmas from her son. I love the
concept and I saw this address on the tag in the scarf and I'm
interested. How can I know what your stock is like or are you only
into custom work with these scarves?Let me know please. L.F.
Hi Sharon, your scarves are beautiful, when is your next show in
Kitchener, Ont.?Do you make them for men as
well? N.W.
Hi Sharon, I purchased a couple of scarves
from you in the past at Pumpkinfest in Waterford. A friend of mine
really likes the style and I hope you are still in business. I
wondered about coming out to you sometime if you sell them out of
your home or if you do mailing. If you have a catalogue I'd like
one. I want to get it for early April for her birthday. L.G.
Hi Sharon I got the 2 scarves yesterday.They look great and I look
forward to wearing them.Thanks.
Sharon! YES!! Order received and have been
meaning to e-mail you. I love all of the Chill Beaters and am having
trouble deciding which to hold onto and which to 'pay forward' to
lucky recipients!!
THANKS so much for your assistance in processing my order ... you'll
definitely be hearing again from me!
Hope your Spring has arrived .... K. A.